The Preservation Society exists to become the global leader in informing the public of the actions of the society.

Through our unrepentant self promotion we will lead the masses in the celebration of all things unknowable.

Certainty is our enemy.

An Introduction to The Conduct Bulletin

An Introduction to The Conduct Bulletin

A most hearty welcome to all prospective initiates, current members, and Backslidden Deviants* of The Preservation Society. The following document is hereby set forth to guide you in your pursuit of good standing amongst our ranks. The Preservation Society Conduct Bulletin is little more than a detailed guide by which our members are to conduct themselves on official and unofficial business. This document is a perpetually evolving, permanent, and binding work generated by the caprices of The Preservation Society Board of Dictatorial Governance. Members who wish to remain in good standing are responsible for knowing and acting in accordance with all regulations and rules set forth, regardless of prior notification of changes to the document.

All genuine adherents are strongly encouraged to check often and read with the focused eyes of a senior citizen discerning between Advil and Skittles.

Please do your best not to dishonor the convention to which you are ultimately responsible.

*Attn. Backslidden Deviants, if you are reading this, your performance of duties mandated by the Articles of Incorporation and Conduct Bulletin have been found lacking. Pending the decision levied against you by The Preservation Society Board of Dictatorial Governance, your fall from good standing can be reconsidered just as soon as there is a free moment. We're usually pretty busy though so prior to your disciplinary tribunal, please fill out form 6(3003)b and submit it to Janet in corporate. Be sure to cite all shortcomings in your character and any deliberate violations of the Conduct Bulletin. We'll get back to you. Sometime. Maybe.

